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Day 4 Bakasana 

Crow Pose





Crow Pose is usually the first arm balance that yoga students learn. It is the foundational pose for most arm balances in yoga, so it's a good idea to understand the basics of Crow Pose first. Though it may seem tricky, Crow can be a fun pose when you get the hang of it.

Newer students might feel more comfortable doing the pose with a pile of blankets or a pillow in front of them in case they fall forward. Be sure to set up your "falling spot" before you come into the pose!


 Find your wings. If you're new to Crow Pose, it might seem like flight is an impossible dream. With practice, patience, and consistency, you will gain the physical and mental strength necessary to lift your body off the ground. Even the most experienced yogis fell when learning this pose. Continue practicing and try not to let yourself get frustrated. Crow Pose might be difficult at first, but with dedication, your confidence will grow and you'll fly!



Bakasana strengthens the upper arms, forearms, and wrists. Additionally, it tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles and the organs of the torso while stretching the upper back and groins. This pose also improves balance and full-body coordination.

More significantly, Crow Pose builds confidence and healthy self-awareness. Getting over your fear of possibly falling on your face requires moving slowly with a calm mind. This focused mindset will help you reduce everyday stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling calm and self-assured.

Do not practice this pose if you have a recent or chronic wrist or shoulder injury, or if you have carpal tunnel syndrome. Women who are pregnant should also avoid this pose. Always work within your own range of limits and abilities. If you have any medical concerns, talk with your doctor before practicing yoga.

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